This is a picture of a television from a horror film called 'A Clockwork orange'.
Despite being made in 1971 it is intended to look fairly modern and futristic . there appears to be a head going into the TV and this is impossible. Since this is not possible it links to our film opening and its supernatural aspects as our televison tells the future.

This is a picture of a televison screen from a horror film called 'The Ring'.
It was filmed in 2002 at this time people were buying DVD's at this time but many still using VHS this shows that there was a chance they could have used a more modern TV but chose to use a more older looking one instead. this could be because of the connotations with old things and old things in horry movies. Horror movies usually associate old things with scary things such asa old houses being haunted. his is an example of a TV that is quite "normal" and these sort of TVs can be found in most houses across the world, this is an idea used across horror movies of creating fear out of everyday objects, however using an older TV would give the audience the impression that the TV itself has something special or supernaturaul about it. The screen is blank which could reperesent a malfunction or to create more focus on whats happening. This is another reason why we are intending to use an old television.
To help decide which type of tv set to use in our film opening we will compare modern and older televisons and evaluate them to work out which type would be more effective for us to use.
We have chosen to use an older style TV as our research has shown it will be more inriguing and create more suspense since it could evoke the idea it has a history behind it.
Televison Static

Static can often create an uneasy feeling since it has many connotations and is often used in many horror movies for dramatic effect. An example of this is a film called "White Noise" ( ) static is shown on TV screen at some poinnt in the movie when the dead contact the living via "white noise". It symbolises interference in many ways for example spiritual interfence and electrical interference. The sound created by static can also help add to the tense,suspensful atmosphere desired. ( )
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